wm: irc-h2o-bot

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ref: b087007630e4e073ffca2a3be249645dc4db8713
parent: b717d027b8f6705d6b6eb11dd6ea2ecd0c1cb980
author: 0x4A4D00 <scorpion_rn@yahoo.com>
date: Tue Jul 25 16:27:39 EDT 2023

Test Files Deleted

--- a/.idea/Test-IRC.iml
+++ b/.idea/Test-IRC.iml
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
     <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fiber-annotation (v0.2.0, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
     <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="fiber-local (v1.0.0, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
     <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="io-event (v1.2.2, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
-    <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="net-yail (v1.6.2, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
     <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="protocol-hpack (v1.4.2, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
     <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="protocol-http (v0.24.4, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
     <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="protocol-http1 (v0.15.0, ruby-3.2.1-p31) [gem]" level="application" />
--- a/Test_HTTP.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,0 @@
-require 'net/http'
-require 'uri'
-require 'json'
-# a = '\n\n'
-# if a.include?('\n')
-#   puts "The string contains '\\n'"
-# else
-#   puts "The string does not contain '\\n'"
-# end
-uri = URI('https://gpt-gm.h2o.ai/conversation/64ac1344245bd909c99ed909')
-https = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
-https.use_ssl = true
-request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path)
-request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
-request['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/113.0.5672.127 Safari/537.36'
-request['Cookie'] = 'h2ogpt-chat=a4fc9f08-6c67-466c-8d36-dd425702d6b4'
-request.body = '{"inputs":"aa","parameters":{"temperature":0.1,"truncate":2048,"max_new_tokens":1024,"do_sample":true,"repetition_penalty":1.2,"return_full_text":false},"stream":true,"options":{"id":"6543eb99-e311-4f4e-b791-7af4fcbe556b","response_id":"b194833d-e13c-4390-9d7f-3cf4e4d95430","is_retry":false,"use_cache":false,"web_search_id":""}}'
-response = https.request(request)
-json_strings = response.body.split('data:')
-parsed_json_objects = []
-json_strings.each do |json_str|
-  if json_str != ''
-    parsed_json_objects << JSON.parse(json_str)
-  end
-parsed_json_objects.each do |json_obj|
-  result = json_obj['token']['text']
-  if result == '' then
-    break
-  end
-  print result
--- a/Test_JSON.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +1,0 @@
-require 'json'
-# JSON string to be parsed
-#json_string = 'data:{"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}'
-# Parse the JSON string
-#test = json_string.sub('data:', '')
-# parsed_json = JSON.parse(test)
-# # Access the values from the parsed JSON
-# name = parsed_json['name']
-# age = parsed_json['age']
-# city = parsed_json['city']
-# # Output the values
-# puts "Name: #{name}"
-# puts "Age: #{age}"
-# puts "City: #{city}"
-data_string = 'data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null} data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}'
-m = 'data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":12,"text":"!","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":1265,"text":" How","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":418,"text":" can","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":295,"text":" I","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":733,"text":" help","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":299,"text":" you","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":1722,"text":" today","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":42,"text":"?","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":11,"text":"<|endoftext|>","logprob":0.0,"special":true},"generated_text":"Hello! How can I help you today?","details":null}';
-# Split the data string into individual JSON strings
-json_strings = m.split('\n')
-# Initialize an array to store the parsed JSON objects
-parsed_json_objects = []
-# Iterate over each JSON string and parse it
-json_strings.each do |json_str|
-  if json_str.start_with?('data:')
-    # Remove the leading "data:" prefix
-    json_data = json_str[5..-1]
-    # Parse the JSON string and add it to the parsed_json_objects array
-    parsed_json_objects << JSON.parse(json_data)
-  end
-# Print the parsed JSON objects
-parsed_json_objects.each do |json_obj|
-  # puts JSON.pretty_generate(json_obj)
-  print json_obj['token']['text']
-data_string = 'data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null} data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}'
-# Split the data_string on whitespace followed by "data:" to separate each JSON string
-json_strings = data_string.scan(/data:(\{.*?\})/)
-parsed_data = []
-json_strings.each do |json_str|
-  # Prepend "data:" to the JSON string since it was removed during splitting
-  # json_str = "data:" + json_str
-  # Parse the JSON string
-  parsed_data << JSON.parse(json_str)
-# Now you have an array of parsed JSON objects
-parsed_data.each do |data|
-  puts data.inspect
-data_string = 'data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null} data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}'
-m = 'data:{"token":{"id":9856,"text":"Hello","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":12,"text":"!","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":1265,"text":" How","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":418,"text":" can","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":295,"text":" I","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":733,"text":" help","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":299,"text":" you","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":1722,"text":" today","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":42,"text":"?","logprob":0.0,"special":false},"generated_text":null,"details":null}\n'+
-  'data:{"token":{"id":11,"text":"<|endoftext|>","logprob":0.0,"special":true},"generated_text":"Hello! How can I help you today?","details":null}';
-results = data_string.scan(/data:(\{.*?\})/)
-parsed_data = results.map { |item| JSON.parse(item[0]) }
-parsed_data.each do |data|
-  puts "Name: #{data['token']['text']}"
-  # puts "Age: #{data['age']}"
-  # puts "City: #{data['city']}"
--- a/Test_Multi_Threading.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +1,0 @@
-require 'thread'
-require 'concurrent'
-require 'async'
-require 'async/http/internet'
-class Echo
-  include Concurrent::Async
-  def echo(msg)
-    sleep(3)
-    print "#{msg}\n"
-  end
-horn = Echo.new
-horn.echo('zero')      # synchronous, not thread-safe
-# returns the actual return value of the method
-horn.async.echo('one') # asynchronous, non-blocking, thread-safe
-# returns an IVar in the :pending state
-horn.async.echo('two') # synchronous, blocking, thread-safe
-# returns an IVar in the :complete state
-start = Time.now
-Async do |task|
-  http_client = Async::HTTP::Internet.new
-  task.async do
-    http_client.get("https://httpbin.org/delay/1.6")
-  end
-puts "Duration: #{Time.now - start}"
-executor = Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor.new(
-  min_threads: 2,
-  max_threads: 5,
-  max_queue: 10
-futures = []
-5.times do |i|
-  futures << Concurrent::Future.execute(executor: executor) do
-    puts "Async task #{i} started"
-    sleep(rand(1..5))
-    puts "Async task #{i} finished"
-  end
-# Define a method that performs some asynchronous task
-def async_task(name)
-  puts "Starting #{name}"
-  # Simulate some work
-  sleep(rand(5))
-  puts "#{name} completed"
-# Create multiple threads for asynchronous execution
-threads = []
-threads << Thread.new { async_task('Task 1') }
-threads << Thread.new { async_task('Task 2') }
-threads << Thread.new { async_task('Task 3') }
-# Wait for all threads to complete
-puts "All tasks completed"
-def Test
-  for i in 0..10 do
-    puts i
-    sleep(rand(0.1..1.0));
-  end
-t1 = Thread.new{Test()}
-t2 = Thread.new{Test()}
-puts 'moz'
--- a/Test_cinch.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,0 @@
-require 'cinch'
-hash = { :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace}
-string = hash.to_s
-puts string
-bot = Cinch::Bot.new do
-  configure do |c|
-    c.server = 'irc.ircnow.org'
-    c.channels = ['#fpc']
-    c.nick = 'moz0'
-  end
-  on :connect do
-    # This block will be executed when the bot connects to the IRC server
-    # You can put your async message sending logic here
-    a = 'a'
-    Channel('#channel').send(a.to_s) # Replace '#channel' with the actual channel name
-    bot.quit # Quit the bot after sending the message
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/ruby-irc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-require 'IRC'
-bot = IRC.new("h2o", "irc.ircnow.org", "6667", "H2O")
-IRCEvent.add_callback('endofmotd') { |event| bot.add_channel('#fpc') }
-IRCEvent.add_callback('invite') { |event| bot.add_channel(event.message) }
-IRCEvent.add_callback('join') { |event|
-    bot.send_message(event.channel, "Hello #{event.from}")
-  IRCEvent.add_callback('privmsg') {|e|
-    puts e.message
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +1,0 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'net/yail'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'uri'
-require 'json'
-require 'concurrent'
-require 'async'
-require 'async/http/internet'
-require 'async/http/endpoint'
-require 'IRC'
-# executor = Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor.new(
-#   min_threads: 2,
-#   max_threads: 5,
-#   max_queue: 10
-# )
-config = File.read('CONFIG')
-parsed_config = JSON.parse(config)
-Server = parsed_config['IRCServer']
-BotNick = parsed_config['BotNickName']
-$URL = parsed_config['SessionUrl']
-$Cookie = parsed_config['SessionCookie']
-$irc = Net::YAIL.new(
-  :address    => 'irc.ircnow.org',
-  :username   => 'Moz_Bot',
-  :realname   => 'Moz_Mozak',
-  :nicknames  => ['h2o-bot0']
-$bot = IRC.new(
-  BotNick,
-  Server,
-  "6667",
-  "H2O")
-$is = false
-$currentid = ''
-$irc.on_welcome proc { |event| $irc.join('#fpc') }
-$irc.on_invite { |event| $irc.join(event.channel) }
-$irc.set_callback(:incoming_invite) { |event| $irc.join(event.channel) }
-$irc.hearing_ping {|event| $stderr.puts event.inspect}
-$irc.hearing_message(:if => {:pm? => true}) do |event|
-  event.handle!
-$irc.on_invite     { |e| $irc.join(e.channel) }
-#:if => {:message => "bah"}
-@stack = []
-def Push(a,b)
-  @stack << {:peer => a, :message => b}
-def Send
-  $bot.send_message(@stack[0][':peer'], @stack[0][':message'])
-class Sender
-  include Concurrent::Async
-  $irc0 = Net::YAIL.new(
-    :address    => 'irc.ircnow.org',
-    :username   => 'Moz_Bot',
-    :realname   => 'Moz_Mozak',
-    :nicknames  => ['h2o-bot0']
-  )
-  def Wait(peer)
-      $irc.msg(peer, 'Im thinking...')
-  end
-  def SendReq(peer, input, c)
-    uri = URI($URL)
-    https = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
-    https.use_ssl = true
-    request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path)
-    request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
-    request['User-Agent'] = 'Pedaret Mozilla/5.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/113.0.5672.127 Safari/537.36'
-    request['Cookie'] = $Cookie
-    request.body = '{"inputs":"'+ input.to_s() +'","parameters":{"temperature":0.1,"truncate":2048,"max_new_tokens":1024,"do_sample":true,"repetition_penalty":1.2,"return_full_text":false},"stream":true,"options":{"id":"6543eb99-e311-4f4e-b791-7af4fcbe556b","response_id":"b194833d-e13c-4390-9d7f-3cf4e4d95430","is_retry":false,"use_cache":false,"web_search_id":""}}'
-    # Async do |task|
-      # Async do
-      #   endpoint = Async::HTTP::Endpoint.parse('https://gpt-gm.h2o.ai/conversation/64ac1344245bd909c99ed909')
-      #   http = Async::HTTP::Internet.new
-      #
-      #   request = Async::HTTP::Request.new(:post, endpoint.path,
-      #                                      {'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'},
-      #                                      {'Cookie' => 'h2ogpt-chat=a4fc9f08-6c67-466c-8d36-dd425702d6b4'},
-      #                                      '{"inputs":"'+ input.to_s() +'","parameters":{"temperature":0.1,"truncate":2048,"max_new_tokens":1024,"do_sample":true,"repetition_penalty":1.2,"return_full_text":false},"stream":true,"options":{"id":"6543eb99-e311-4f4e-b791-7af4fcbe556b","response_id":"b194833d-e13c-4390-9d7f-3cf4e4d95430","is_retry":false,"use_cache":false,"web_search_id":""}}')
-      #
-      #   response = http.call(endpoint, request)
-      #
-      #   # Process the response
-      #   puts "Response code: #{response.status}"
-      #   puts "Response body: #{response.read}"
-      #
-      #
-      # end
-      # request = Async::HTTP::Internet.new
-      #
-      # request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
-      # request['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/113.0.5672.127 Safari/537.36'
-      # request['Cookie'] = 'h2ogpt-chat=a4fc9f08-6c67-466c-8d36-dd425702d6b4'
-      #
-      # request.body = '{"inputs":"'+ input.to_s() +'","parameters":{"temperature":0.1,"truncate":2048,"max_new_tokens":1024,"do_sample":true,"repetition_penalty":1.2,"return_full_text":false},"stream":true,"options":{"id":"6543eb99-e311-4f4e-b791-7af4fcbe556b","response_id":"b194833d-e13c-4390-9d7f-3cf4e4d95430","is_retry":false,"use_cache":false,"web_search_id":""}}'
-      #
-      # task.async do
-      #   request.post(uri.host)
-      # end
-    # end
-    begin
-      response = https.request(request)
-      #$irc.msg('#fpc', e.message)
-      json_strings = response.body.split('data:')
-      parsed_json_objects = []
-      json_strings.each do |json_str|
-        if json_str != ''
-          parsed_json_objects << JSON.parse(json_str)
-        end
-      end
-      counts = 0
-      b = ''
-      parsed_json_objects.each do |json_obj|
-        result = json_obj['token']['text']
-        if result == '<|endoftext|>' then
-          break
-        elsif counts >= 50
-        begin
-          $bot.send_message(peer, 'limit reached!')
-          break
-        end
-        elsif result.include?("\n")
-        begin
-          $bot.send_message(peer, b)
-          sleep(0.2)
-          counts += 1
-          #$irc.msg(peer, b)
-          b = ''
-        end
-        else
-          b += result
-        end
-      end
-      $bot.send_message(peer, b)
-      #$irc.msg(peer, b)
-    rescue StandardError => e
-      $bot.send_message(peer, e)
-      #$irc.msg(peer, e)
-    end
-  end
-sender = Sender.new
-IRCEvent.add_callback('endofmotd') { |event| $bot.add_channel('#fpc') }
-IRCEvent.add_callback('invite') do |event|
-  puts event.message
-  puts event.channel
-  $bot.add_channel(event.message)
-# IRCEvent.add_callback('join') { |event|
-#   bot.send_message(event.channel, "Hello #{event.from}")
-IRCEvent.add_callback('privmsg') {|event|
-  if event.channel.eql?(BotNick)
-  begin
-    if (event.message.start_with?(".invite"))
-    begin
-        event.message.slice! ".invite "
-        $bot.add_channel(event.message)
-    end
-    else
-      $bot.send_message(event.from, "I'm thinking...")
-      sender.SendReq(event.from, event.message, '')
-    end
-  end
-  else
-    if (event.message.start_with?("h2o"))
-      Push(event.channel, 'Im')
-      Send()
-      # IRCConnection.output_push("PRIVMSG #{event.channel} : moz")
-      $bot.send_message(event.channel, "#{event.from}, I'm thinking...")
-      sender.SendReq(event.channel, event.message, '')
-    end
-  end
-# }
-$irc.heard_msg(:if => {:pm? => true}) do |e|
-  puts(e.nick)
-  sender.async.Wait(e.nick)
-  sender.async.SendReq(e.nick, e.message, $irc)
-  puts('e')
-$irc.heard_msg(:if => {:pm? => false}) do |e|
-  if (e.message.start_with?("h2o"))
-    puts(e.channel)
-    sender.async.Wait(e.channel)
-    sender.async.SendReq(e.channel, e.message, $irc)
-    puts('e')
-  end
-futures = []
-3.times do |i|
-  futures << Concurrent::Future.execute(executor: executor) do
-  end