wm: irc-h2o-bot

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ref: c5e5bff1d3e40c29b5084f4ed76b11b1ce1f7e90
parent: 5c482500316fb1964e64db9c42322b839dfc0606
author: 0x4A4D00 <scorpion_rn@yahoo.com>
date: Thu Jul 20 19:50:36 EDT 2023

Concurrent Async Tested also with HTTP Request

--- a/Test_Multi_Threading.rb
+++ b/Test_Multi_Threading.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,40 @@
 require 'thread'
 require 'concurrent'
+require 'async'
+require 'async/http/internet'
+class Echo
+  include Concurrent::Async
+  def echo(msg)
+    sleep(3)
+    print "#{msg}\n"
+  end
+horn = Echo.new
+horn.echo('zero')      # synchronous, not thread-safe
+# returns the actual return value of the method
+horn.async.echo('one') # asynchronous, non-blocking, thread-safe
+# returns an IVar in the :pending state
+horn.async.echo('two') # synchronous, blocking, thread-safe
+# returns an IVar in the :complete state
+start = Time.now
+Async do |task|
+  http_client = Async::HTTP::Internet.new
+  task.async do
+    http_client.get("https://httpbin.org/delay/1.6")
+  end
+puts "Duration: #{Time.now - start}"
 executor = Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor.new(
   min_threads: 2,