wm: dino

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ref: 796572b18e177f129778b68460a2618de881a624
parent: 80efdd120f2b5feed3aeb46dd212521230d5f1dc
author: bxh7 <nima@wm>
date: Fri Aug 4 14:54:39 EDT 2023


--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,18 +1,1 @@
-what we need to do now is
-make some trees
-and move them towards the dinasour
-the dinasour doesnt have to move that would be too complicated 
-we can have shape* trees[4] for example
-and print one like tree[i % 4]
-and we also probably have to add a x and y membes to the shape struct
-and um, yeah
-think about 
-how to print trees at a certain coordinate 
-hint: we only need a x coordinate!
-learn about collisions, once internet comes back, you can watch old tetris
-This is also a good starting point for the ncurses gmae engine
-for example, we learned that we can represent animated entities as a circular linked list
-of sprites! :)