wm: libirc

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ref: f284581fdb7648abdc75940d1d7a2c09cbedb8c3
parent: 3cdb6ca740bdc00ca00874764f49af4c5a3d5c97
author: bxhh7 <112255649+bxhh7@users.noreply.github.com>
date: Fri Oct 14 12:43:42 EDT 2022

Update README.txt

--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-This "library" tries to make the process of writing irc client programs
-easier. it is not designed to be comperhensive, but rather designed to be
-easily expandable. it was originally written for an irc game bot and that 
-required very little and basic usage of the irc protocol. but you can easily 
-add more funcitonality to it, if you need to.
-see examples/echo_bot.c for details of how to use the library
-see irc.c and irc.h for details of how to expand the library 
-see net.h if you need to port libirc to other platforms/networking APIs
+This "library" tries to make the process of writing irc client programs easier.
+it is not designed to be comperhensive, but rather designed to be easily expandable.
+it was originally written for an irc game bot and that  required very little and basic 
+usage of the irc protocol, and its development stopped there. but you can easily add more
+funcitonality to it, if you need to.