ref: f129504a64665944bb91a66d33f0ba0d3a3e2bd3
dir: /doc/
.TH GLENDY 2 .SH NAME initlevel, pointdir, movedir, domove, doput, findglenda, checknext, score1, clac, nextglenda, restart, undo, checkstate \- libglendy functions .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include "engine.h" .PP .B void initlevel(void); .PP .B Point movedir(int dir, Point p); .PP .B int pointdir(Point src, Point dst); .PP .B int domove(int dir, Point p); .PP .B int doput(Point p); .PP .B Point findglenda(void); .PP .B int checknext(int dir, Point p); .PP .B int score1(Point p); .PP .B void calc(void); .PP .B void nextglenda(void); .PP .B void restart(void); .PP .B void undo(void); .PP .B int checkstate(void); .SH DESCRIPTION These functions are used to deal with details of .I glendy (also known as cat trap) and make writing clients easier. .I initlevel sets up the map with glenda always on middle and amount of walls based on .I difficulity variable, .TP 10 .B DEasy 10 ≤ x ≤ 15 .TP 10 .B DMed 5 ≤ x ≤ 10 .TP 10 .B Dhard 1 ≤ x ≤ 5 .TP 10 .B DImp x = 0 .PP where .B x is amount of walls, chosen randomly. .PP .I movedir function returns the point .I p after being moved in .I dir direction, or .B {-1, -1} in case of invalid input. .I pointdir is the reverse of .I movedir function, returning what direction .I src needs to be moved to reach .I dst or .B Err if it can't be reached in one move. .I domove and .I doput are used by clients to handle actions for glenda and trapper (the player who puts the walls). they returns .B Wall and .B Glenda if the cell is not empty. .PP .I findglenda returns first cell which has .B Glenda inside. .I checknext is a depracated varient of .I pointdir. .PP .I score1 , .I calc and .I nextglenda are... uh..., functions i guess? i don't know what they do. they are supposed to be computer's algorithm, please let me know if you know what's going on! .PP .I restart reverts grid layout to .B ogrid and sets turn to 0. .I undo undos to last move done by tapper, sets to .B turn - 2. it's expected to be buggy, and only works once. (further calls to .I undo reverts the map to orignal state before first call of undo.) .I checkstate checks whetever game has finished or not, and who has won.