ref: f129504a64665944bb91a66d33f0ba0d3a3e2bd3
dir: /doc/todo/
infra and documention: - have a mkfile X - cli - documention X - 9 client X - sdl - 9 server - unix server - have a makefile X - documention - write a man page for engine's documention X - make it better! - write info for score1, calc and nextglenda - have one paragraph per each function - add enums and variables engine: - move win/lose to engine X - make engine.c and engine.h from plan 9 client X - improve portablity X - compiles on plan 9 X - compiles on unix X - compiles on windows, dos? - add turn X - domove() check if there are walls there X - move move() to engine X - some client-dependent parts are still in gui9 - use dirmove in domove() X - figure what we should do with checknext, should we keep it? it's pretty like domove(); - bring turn mangment to engine - undo X - restart X - move X - put X - should we make grid, turn and other stuff private and access them with some wrapper function? - seprate computer player stuff into seprate functions - unix.h X - make sysfatal noreturn X 9 client: - game board often is way smaller than window itself, what gives? - acme/sam colors X (somewhat) - real ACME™ colors! - undo - ed-style dumb undo X - ed-style smarter? undo - sam-style (∞) undo - multiplayer version X - ok, needs more testing X - even more testing X - net - add flags for multiplayer X - show turn, player somewhere cli client: - single player X - multiplayer X (somewhat) - net - zig-zag effect X - fix bugs - SE sometimes goes to east?? X (fixed with zig-zag effects) - make map feel hex X (somewhat) - see if there are any better ways to do so - compile and test? in plan 9 X - compile and test in linux - compile and test in windows(!) - handle (handle what?) - remove m and p, do actions based on turn (NE instead of m NE etc) - undo X - quit X SDL client: - write one. - makefile - compile and test? in plan 9 - compile and test in linux - compile and test in windows(!) network protocol: - define protocol, rfc style X - introduce HI msg [URGENT] - introduce session cookies (to resume a disconnected session?) [MED] - refrence impl. of server X - refernce impl. of client [URGENT] plan 9 server: - write one? (maybe port it from unix server?) [LOW] unix server: - have a barebones version X - allow multiplayers (2+) to play in the same time - lock values - don't crash once one disconnections X - pick a port X (it's 1768) - multithreaded