wm: khar

ref: 968ac77631ed370269bfd11dec3ba15679585491
dir: /config.h/

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const char *joined_message_private = "Hi, as long as you don't say anything, you're welcome and not khar.\n";
const char *joined_message_public = "%s joined and is not khar yet.\n";
const char *khar_message_private = "you are khar, and not welcome here.\n";
const char *khar_message_public = "%s is khar and is kicked out of the server.\n";
const char *max_clients_private = "There isn't any more room for you here, it's obvious that you are khar.\n";
const char *message_template = "%s said: %s";
const char *list_message = "list of people who are not khar yet:\n";