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In this guide, we will install Plan 9 4th edition with some patches for vmd.
Thanks to adi for helping us prepare the ISO:


The ISO is also mirrored at https://ircnow.org/software/plan9.iso

On the OpenBSD host, we first get serial console into the virtual machine:

host$ vmctl console $USER
Connected to /dev/ttypq (speed 115200)

no vga; serial console only
 disk loader

cpu0:  4596MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206D7 DX 0x79BA97F)
ELCR: 02E8
497M memory: 497M kernel data, 0M user, 18M swap
found partition #S/sdC0/data 0 41,943,040
found partition #S/sdD0/data 0 147,164
found partition #S/sdD0/data!9fat; 59050+2949120
disks: sdC0 sdD0
trying sdC0...dosinit: can't open #S/sdC0/9fat
dosinit #S/sdC0/9fat failed
trying sdD0....
Plan 9 Startup Menu:
    1. Install Plan 9 from this CD
    2. Boot Plan 9 from this CD
Selection: 1

We choose 1 to Install Plan 9 from CD:

found 9pcflop.gz
.gz........................................................................................................................................................1225840 => 781908+1043156+390320=2215384
entry: 0xf0100020

Plan 9
i8042: kbdinit failed
E820: 00000000 0009f800 memory
E820: 0009f800 000a0000 reserved
E820: 000f0000 00100000 reserved
E820: 00100000 3fffa000 memory
E820: 3fffa000 40000000 reserved
E820: f0000000 100000000 reserved
cpu0:  4597MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206D7 DX 0x79BA97F)
ELCR: 02E8
intrenable: nil handler for 5, tbdf 0xC001000 for ether0
#l0: virtio: 1Gbps port 0x2000 irq 5: aabbccdded54
1024M memory: 256M kernel data, 767M user, 1392M swap
pickmethod...read #e/nobootprompt...pickmethod done
bind #æ...bind #S...partinit...auth...mount usbd...boot: can't open /srv/usb: '/srv/usb' file does not exist
can't stat /srv/partfs.sdXX: '/srv/partfs.sdXX' file does not exist

init: starting /bin/rc
/bin/dossrv: serving #s/dos
use DMA for ide drives[yes]:
echo: write error: bad process or channel control request
echo: write error: bad process or channel control request
mouseport is (ps2, ps2intellimouse, 0, 1, 2)[ps2]:
vgasize [640x480x8]: text
monitor is [xga]:

Press enter to use DMA for ide drives, then press enter again for ps2.
We select text for vgasize, and for monitor, choose the default.

i8042: aux init failed
i8042: aux init failed
i8042: aux init failed
i8042: 00 returned to the ea command
/bin/aux/vga: vbecheck: VBE error 0x4f00
rio: can't open display: initdisplay: /dev/draw/new: no frame buffer

failed to start rio.  you can start a text-based installation by running


init: starting /bin/rc
% inst/textonly

Since we don't have any VGA display on OpenBSD vmm, we run inst/textonly:

Mon Oct 7 19:26:17 EDT 2024 Installation process started


Preparing menu...
The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install

Task to do [configfs]:

Press enter to select configfs:

You can install the following types of file systems:

        fossil                  the new Plan9 fileserver
        fossil+venti    fossil + a archival dump server

File system (fossil, fossil+venti)[fossil]:

Press enter to select fossil:


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)

Task to do [partdisk]:

Type enter to select partdisk:

The following disk devices were found.

sdC0 -

sdD0 - OpenBSD VMM CD-ROM 001

Disk to partition (sdC0, sdD0)[no default]: sdC0

Choose the disk that isn't the CD-ROM, in this case, sdC0:

The disk you selected HAS NO master boot record on its first sector.
(Perhaps it is a completely blank disk.)
You need a master boot record to use the disk.
Should we install a default master boot record?

Install mbr (y, n)[no default]: y

Type y for yes:

This is disk/fdisk; use it to create a Plan 9 partition.
If there is enough room, a Plan 9 partition will be
suggested; you can probably just type 'w' and then 'q'.

cylinder = 8225280 bytes
'* p1                     0 2610        (2610 cylinders, 19.99 GB) PLAN9
>>> w
>>> q

Enter w and q to write the partitions and quit:


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition

Task to do [prepdisk]:

Type enter to subdivide the parttition:

The following Plan 9 disk partitions were found.

  empty                  0 41929587    (41929587 sectors, 19.99 GB)

Plan 9 partition to subdivide (/dev/sdC0/plan9)[/dev/sdC0/plan9]:
This is disk/prep; use it to subdivide the Plan 9 partition.
If it is not yet subdivided, a sensible layout will be suggested;
you can probably just type 'w' and then 'q'.

no plan9 partition table found
9fat 204800
nvram 1
fossil 40676210
swap 1048576
' 9fat                   0 204800      (204800 sectors, 100.00 MB)
' nvram             204800 204801      (1 sectors, 512 B )
' fossil            204801 40881011    (40676210 sectors, 19.39 GB)
' swap            40881011 41929587    (1048576 sectors, 512.00 MB)
>>> w
>>> q

Enter w and q to write and quit:


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server

Task to do [fmtfossil]:

Press enter to format the disk for fossil.

You have the following fossil partitions.

Fossil partition to format (/dev/sdC0/fossil)[/dev/sdC0/fossil]:


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        mountfs - choose and mount file system partition

Task to do [mountfs]:

Type enter to mount the filesystem partition.

The following partitions named fossil* were found.

Please choose one to use as the installation file system
for your Plan 9 installation.

--rw-r----- S 0 glenda glenda 20826219520 Jun  9 15:26 /dev/sdC0/fossil

Fossil partition (/dev/sdC0/fossil)[/dev/sdC0/fossil]:

Select the correct partition (in this case /dev/sdC0/fossil).


Preparing menu...% fossil/fossil -c . /env/fossilconf
prompt: % mount -c /srv/fossil /n/newfs
fsys main create /active/adm adm sys d775
prompt: fsys main create /active/adm/users adm sys 664
prompt: uname upas :upas
prompt: users -w
        nuser 6 len 96
prompt: fsys main create /active/dist sys sys d775
prompt: fsys main create /active/dist/replica sys sys d775
prompt: fsys main create /active/dist/replica/client sys sys d775
prompt: fsys main create /active/dist/replica/client/plan9.db sys sys 664
prompt: fsys main create /active/dist/replica/client/plan9.log sys sys a664
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server
        mountfs - choose and mount file system partition

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        configdist      - choose the source of the distribution archive
        download        - download or continue to download the distribution archives

Task to do [configdist]:

Press enter to choose the source of the distribution archive.

Are you going to download the distribution
from the internet or do you have it on local media?

Distribution is from (local, net)[local]:

On OpenBSD vmm, you should have the ISO loaded in CD-ROM, so press enter for


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server
        mountfs - choose and mount file system partition
        configdist      - choose the source of the distribution archive

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        mountdist       - locate and mount the distribution
        download        - download or continue to download the distribution archives

Task to do [mountdist]:

Press enter to mount the distribution.

Please wait... Scanning storage devices...

The following storage media were detected.
Choose the one containing the distribution.

        /dev/sdC0/fossil (plan9 fossil)
        /dev/sdD0/9fat (microsoft fat)
        /dev/sdD0/data (iso9660 cdrom)

Distribution disk [no default]: /dev/sdD0/data

Enter the path for the CD-ROM, in this case /dev/sdD0/data.

% 9660srv
/bin/9660srv 2688: serving /srv/9660
% mount /srv/9660 /n/distmedia /dev/sdD0/data

Which directory contains the distribution?
Any of the following will suffice (in order of preference):
        - the root directory of the cd image
        - the directory containing plan9.iso
        - the directory containing plan9.iso.bz2
Typing `browse' will put you in a shell that you can use to
look for the directory.

Location of archives [browse]:

Type enter to browse for the root directory of the CD image.

This is a simple shell. Commands are:
        cd directory    - change to directory
        lc                              - list contents of current directory
        exit                    - exit shell

Move to the directory containing the distribution
and then exit.

Type lc to list contents:

/% lc

386            NOTICE         bootdisk.img   lp             power64
9load          NOTICE.old     cfg            mail           rc
LICENSE        README         cron           mips           sparc
LICENSE.afpl   acme           dist           mnt            sys
LICENSE.gpl    adm            env            n              tmp
LICENSE.lucida amd64          fd             pbsraw         usr
LICENSE.old    arm            lib            power

Once you've confirmed this is the CD-ROM, type exit:

/% exit


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server
        mountfs - choose and mount file system partition
        configdist      - choose the source of the distribution archive
        mountdist       - locate and mount the distribution

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        copydist        - copy the distribution into the file system

Task to do [copydist]:

Type enter to copy the distribution:

|############################################################| 100%

Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server
        mountfs - choose and mount file system partition
        configdist      - choose the source of the distribution archive
        mountdist       - locate and mount the distribution
        copydist        - copy the distribution into the file system

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        bootsetup       - create a boot floppy or configure hard disk to boot plan 9

Task to do [bootsetup]:

Type enter to configure the hard disk to boot Plan 9.


Initializing Plan 9 FAT configuration partition (9fat)

Initializing Plan 9 FAT partition.
add 9load at clust 2
Initializing FAT file system
type hard, 100 tracks, 64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 512 bytes/sec
Adding file /n/newfs/386/9load, length 369368
add 9load at clust 2
used 372736 bytes
% cp /n/newfs/386/9load /n/9fat/9load
% cp /n/newfs/386/9pcf /n/9fat/9pcf

There are myriad ways to boot a Plan 9 system.
You can use any of the following.

  floppy - create a boot floppy
  plan9  - make the plan 9 disk partition the default for booting
  win9x  - add a plan 9 option to windows 9x boot menu
  winnt  - add a plan 9 option to windows nt/2000/xp boot manager

If you are upgrading an extant third edition installation and booting
from something other than a floppy, you needn't run anything here.
Just type ctl-d.
Enable boot method (floppy, plan9, win9x, winnt)[no default]: plan9

Type plan9 to have plan 9 boot by default.

If you use the Windows NT/2000/XP master boot record
or a master boot record from a Unix clone (e.g., LILO or
FreeBSD bootmgr), it is probably safe to continue using
that boot record rather than install the Plan 9 boot record.

Install the Plan 9 master boot record (y, n)[no default]: y

Type y to install the Plan 9 master boot record.

Setting Plan 9 partition active.

The Plan 9 partition is now marked as active.


Preparing menu...
The following tasks are done:
        configfs        - choose the type of file system to install
        partdisk        - edit partition tables (e.g., to create a plan 9 partition)
        prepdisk        - subdivide plan 9 disk partition
        fmtfossil       - initialize disks for a fossil server
        mountfs - choose and mount file system partition
        configdist      - choose the source of the distribution archive
        mountdist       - locate and mount the distribution
        copydist        - copy the distribution into the file system
        bootsetup       - create a boot floppy or configure hard disk to boot plan 9

The following unfinished tasks are ready to be done:
        finish  - finish the installation and reboot

Task to do [finish]:

Press enter to finish the installation.

Congratulations; you've completed the install.

Halting file systems...fsys all halt
prompt: done

Remember to take the install disk out of the drive.
Feel free to turn off your computer.

At this point, we escape the serial console by typing ~~., then stop and restart
the virtual machine:

$ vmctl stop $USER
$ vmctl start -c $USER

Connected to /dev/ttyp4 (speed 115200)
Plan 9 from Bell Labsi8042: kbdinit failed

no vga; serial console only
 disk loader

cpu0:  4604MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206D7 DX 0x79BA97F)
ELCR: 02E8
497M memory: 497M kernel data, 0M user, 18M swap
found partition #S/sdC0/data 0 41,943,040
found partition #S/sdD0/data 0 147,164
found partition #S/sdD0/data!9fat; 59050+2949120
disks: sdC0 sdD0
trying sdC0....found 9pcf
entry: 0xf0100020

Plan 9
i8042: kbdinit failed
E820: 00000000 0009f800 memory
E820: 0009f800 000a0000 reserved
E820: 000f0000 00100000 reserved
E820: 00100000 3fffa000 memory
E820: 3fffa000 40000000 reserved
E820: f0000000 100000000 reserved
cpu0:  4599MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206D7 DX 0x79BA97F)
ELCR: 02E8
intrenable: nil handler for 5, tbdf 0xC001000 for ether0
#l0: virtio: 1Gbps port 0x2000 irq 5: aabbccdded54
1024M memory: 256M kernel data, 767M user, 1392M swap
usbinit...usbd.../boot/usbd: /dev/usb: no hubs
no /srv/usb...no usb disk...pickmethod...read #e/nobootprompt...read #e/bootargs...outin...root is from (tcp, local)[local!#S/sdC0/fossil]:

Press enter to boot from local!#S/sdC0/fossil.

pickmethod done
bind #æ...bind #S...partinit...auth...user[none]: glenda

Type glenda to run as user glenda.

usbinit...usbd.../boot/usbd: /dev/usb: no hubs
no /srv/usb...no usb disk...mount usbd...boot: can't open /srv/usb: '/srv/usb' file does not exist
fossil(#S/sdC0/fossil)...version...can't stat /srv/partfs.sdXX: '/srv/partfs.sdXX' file does not exist

init: starting /bin/rc
i8042: aux init failed
i8042: aux init failed
i8042: aux init failed
i8042: 00 returned to the ea command
aux/vga: vbecheck: VBE error 0x4f00
rio: can't open display: initdisplay: /dev/draw/new: no frame buffer
init: rc exit status: rio 30: display open

init: starting /bin/rc

Congrats, you now have a working Plan 9 installation. You can type ~~. to exit
the serial console. Or, you can continue configuring your server. In particular,
you may want to set up a cpu server.